Remembering Ryan Klesh

A place for friends to remember, share stories and pictures, and express our love and appreciation for the life and times of the legendary Ryan P. Klesh. Please keep your posts coming -- we all need to hear more about the greatness of Ryan. Sharing your stories keeps more parts of him alive. Thank you.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006



You’ve been gone for a while now
And all of us are feeling it
No more partying with Ryan
No more relying on Ryan
No more laughter with Ryan
And no more chances
To tell you how much you mean to so many
You can’t just go away quietly
Because so many people loved and needed you
And took you for granted
Thinking you’d always be there
Like a north star in the sky
Now that you’ve gone dark
We all look for you in the familiar places
And think of you
And feel the loss
Like an entire planet
Blinking out of site in a moment
A hole in the world
Way out of proportion
To the reality of one man missing
Which is why it’s so hard to accept and move on
Who you were to so many people
Exceptional in infinite ways
Irreplaceably important
To family, friends, and acquaintances
Maybe you knew that
Though I am skeptical
Had you understood the hold you had on people
And the spark of life you provided
I can’t believe you would have left us
The guy who would give his right arm for any friend
Had you understood your place and value
Across so many universes
You would have stayed here with us
In this imperfect world
Needed and here
Instead of needed and gone
Not because of what we need
But because of what you meant
And how deeply you were loved
That reservoir of feeling for you
Could refill any glass
Staunch any wound
Or make an entire world of things happen
Now here we are, this reservoir
Untapped and stricken
Looking for you everywhere
But finding you
Catastrophically and forever


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