Remembering Ryan Klesh

A place for friends to remember, share stories and pictures, and express our love and appreciation for the life and times of the legendary Ryan P. Klesh. Please keep your posts coming -- we all need to hear more about the greatness of Ryan. Sharing your stories keeps more parts of him alive. Thank you.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

For Ryan

Love never disappears for death is a non-event;
I have merely retired to the room next door.
You and I are the same; what we were for each other, we still are.
Speak to me as you always have, do not use a different tone, do not be sad.
Continue to laugh at what made us laugh.
Smile and think of me.
Life means what it has alway meant.
The link is not severed.
Why should I be out of your soul if I am out of your sight?
I will wait for you. I am not here, but just on the other side of this path.
You see, all is well.

-- St. Augustine

Life is eternal; and love is immortal;
And death is only a horizon;
And a horizon is nothing
Save the limit of our sight.

-- Rossiter Worthington Raymond

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Helpful Quotes from an Irishman

The quotes that follow I find to be literary satisfying of my beloved brother:

“Ordinary riches can be stolen, real riches cannot. In your soul are infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from you.”

For the memories of all the laughs and smiles Rhino as left me with.

“What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise”

We ache for the loss of my brother but are blessed in his happiness now forever.

“Death must be so beautiful. To lie in the soft brown earth, with the grasses waving above one's head, and listen to silence. To have no yesterday, and no to-morrow. To forget time, to forgive life, to be at peace.”

Ryan's time here was brief but he loved so much, was loved so much, and came full circle in this life and now is in omnipresent peace.

All quotes from the great Oscar Wilde The Finest Come From Ireland

Friday, April 28, 2006

Oh Brother, Where Art Thou

“I Am Weary (Let Me Rest)”
The Cox Family 3:16

Kiss me Mother , kiss your Darlin’,
Lay my head upon your breast,
Throw your loving arms around me,
I am weary, let me rest.

Seems that life is swiftly fading,
Brighter seams they do now show,
I am standing by the river,
Angels wait to take me home.

Kiss me Mother , kiss your Darlin’,
See the pain upon my brow,
I will soon be with the angels,
Fate has doomed my future now.

Through the years, you’ve always loved me,
And my life you tried to save,
But now I shall slumber sweetly,
In a deep and lonely grave.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Email List/Send your email addresses to me

A few people have asked if we are maintaining an email list. I'm happy to do this, especially given the suggestion for an annual day of the "King Serves His Men Well."

You can either post your email address here on this post or send it to me at


Favorite Seinfeld

I had a tough moment on Tuesday evening because the 9:30 Seinfeld episode was the one where the super installed low-water pressure shower heads in Jerry, Kramer, & Neuman's apartments and where George's parents decided to move to Florida, just to bother Jerry's parents and then changed their minds. And I think that Ryan loved that one.

"Low flow? I don't like the sound of that. If I don't have a good shower, I am not myself. I feel weak and ineffectual. I'm not Kramer."
- Kramer, in "The Shower Head"

"This is Frank Costanza. You think you can keep us out of Florida? We're moving in lock, stock and barrel. We're gonna be in the pool. We're gonna be in the clubhouse. We're gonna be all over that shuffleboard court. And I dare you to keep me out!"
- Frank Costanza, to Jerry's dad, in "The Shower Head"


Wednesday, April 26, 2006



When the day is long and the night, the night is yours alone,
When you're sure you've had enough of this life, well hang on
Don't let yourself go, 'cause everybody cries and everybody hurts sometimes

Sometimes everything is wrong. Now it's time to sing along
When your day is night alone, (hold on, hold on)
If you feel like letting go, (hold on)
When you think you've had too much of this life, well hang on

'Cause everybody hurts. Take comfort in your friends
Everybody hurts. Don't throw your hand. Oh, no. Don't throw your hand
If you feel like you're alone, no, no, no, you are not alone

If you're on your own in this life, the days and nights are long,
When you think you've had too much of this life to hang on

Well, everybody hurts sometimes,
Everybody cries. And everybody hurts sometimes
And everybody hurts sometimes. So, hold on, hold on
Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on
Everybody hurts. You are not alone

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Maybe a little insight

The following is not for the faint of heart it sounds rough depressing and gruesome. However, it is written by Ann Sexton a poet who took her own life. She lived life serving and making happy all around her no matter the measure and found true happiness after this world. If you do not find the meaning in this poem re-read and re-read again.

Live or die, but don't poison everything...

Well, death's been here
for a long time --
it has a hell of a lot
to do with hell
and suspicion of the eye
and the religious objects
and how I mourned them
when they were made obscene
by my dwarf-heart's doodle.
The chief ingredient
is mutilation.
And mud, day after day,
mud like a ritual,
and the baby on the platter,
cooked but still human,
cooked also with little maggots,
sewn onto it maybe by somebody's mother,
the damn bitch!

Even so,
I kept right on going on,
a sort of human statement,
lugging myself as if
I were a sawed-off body
in the trunk, the steamer trunk.
This became perjury of the soul.
It became an outright lie
and even though I dressed the body
it was still naked, still killed.
It was caught
in the first place at birth,
like a fish.
But I play it, dressed it up,
dressed it up like somebody's doll.

Is life something you play?
And all the time wanting to get rid of it?
And further, everyone yelling at you
to shut up. And no wonder!
People don't like to be told
that you're sick
and then be forced
to watch
down with the hammer.

Today life opened inside me like an egg
and there inside
after considerable digging
I found the answer.
What a bargain!
There was the sun,
her yolk moving feverishly,
tumbling her prize --
and you realize she does this daily!
I'd known she was a purifier
but I hadn't thought
she was solid,
hadn't known she was an answer.
God! It's a dream,
lovers sprouting in the yard
like celery stalks
and better,
a husband straight as a redwood,
two daughters, two sea urchings,
picking roses off my hackles.
If I'm on fire they dance around it
and cook marshmallows.
And if I'm ice
they simply skate on me
in little ballet costumes.

all along,
thinking I was a killer,
anointing myself daily
with my little poisons.
But no.
I'm an empress.
I wear an apron.
My typewriter writes.
It didn't break the way it warned.
Even crazy, I'm as nice
as a chocolate bar.
Even with the witches' gymnastics
they trust my incalculable city,
my corruptible bed.

O dearest three,
I make a soft reply.
The witch comes on
and you paint her pink.
I come with kisses in my hood
and the sun, the smart one,
rolling in my arms.
So I say Live
and turn my shadow three times round
to feed our puppies as they come,
the eight Dalmatians we didn't drown,
despite the warnings: The abort! The destroy!
Despite the pails of water that waited,
to drown them, to pull them down like stones,
they came, each one headfirst, blowing bubbles the color of cataract-blue
and fumbling for the tiny tits.
Just last week, eight Dalmatians,
3/4 of a lb., lined up like cord wood
like a
birch tree.
I promise to love more if they come,
because in spite of cruelty
and the stuffed railroad cars for the ovens,
I am not what I expected. Not an Eichmann.
The poison just didn't take.
So I won't hang around in my hospital shift,
repeating The Black Mass and all of it.
I say Live, Live because of the sun,
the dream, the excitable gift.

adam klesh

eulogy for "the Rhino"

A eulogy for "The Rhino"
I've known Ryan since he was seven years old; and, as a result, his family asked that I deliver the eulogy at his Funeral Mass immediately before the Final Benediction and the Recessional [Handel's Hallelujah Chorus from Messiah: the music Ryan loved to sing at the top of his lungs during that special time of year when he donned his Santa cap and brought an extra measure of cheer to his mam and dad, his siblings, and friends like me.]
Originally written in longhand on yellow legal paper, the eulogy will be made available in hard copy to his mom, dad, sister Allison and brother Adam--after which I'll post it here.
In the meantime, while his dad Al Klesh [my best friend] is in Milwaukee to participate in Ryan's Pub Wake, I remain in Lakewood with Al's schnauzer [von Christoph's Billie-Rose aka Ms Billie.]
Tomorrow, after church, friends and well-wishers will gather at my home for a CD grab [detalis may follow], after which I'll pick up Al from the airport after his return flight from Milwaukee.]
Meantime, Ciao!
Allan Krepina [Ignatius '58; Xavier (HAB) '62]

I'd like to propose that we have an annual The King Serves His Men Well Ryanfest event every April at the Falcon Bowl.

I'd like to propose that we have an annual The King Serves His Men Well Ryanfest event every April at the Falcon Bowl. I know we'll never forget him, but we need to keep celebrating him as well. Post comments if you are in.

From Jason Stein -- Summer of 2002

To the family of Ryan Klesh

To the family of Ryan Klesh,

I had known Ryan for about four years. He and I both worked together at Legal Action of Wisconsin. Ryan was a very easy person to approach, which I believe is why I was able to know him well both inside and outside of work. Ryan had made many friends along his journey. I am sad to not have him here anymore but the memories and impact Ryan made on people will not be forgotten.

I want to tell you what I remember the most of Ryan. He was an extraordinary man. One of the great qualities he possessed was the ability to bring people closer together. Ryan loved a good crowd of his friends having a good time telling stories and jokes. In the very essence, he enjoyed just a simple conversation with common folks he loved to be around. After work Ryan enjoyed many good times. One of his extracurricular after work activities I had enjoyed with Ryan was playing on the Legal Action co-ed kickball team. You remember the game kids in the 4th grade used to play at the baseball diamond. Ryan loved this sport. He always loved the competitive spirit. After the game, we may have enjoyed a few pitchers talking about the strategy of winning the next game or plays made in the outfield. You see we were not very good in the overall wins column but that didn’t matter to Ryan. It mattered most to just go out there and make some plays. He would always seem to talk you up…making you feel you were better than maybe you actually were. One of the other activities Ryan would never seem to miss out on was our annual Christmas party. At one of the Christmas parties a few of our co-workers along with Ryan put on a talent show. Ryan with his co-worker buddies put on a skit that made everyone just laughed out loud. He was a man that you could just laugh with, but at other times be serious. Ryan would have his arms around you telling you how well you were doing your job and why they were not paying you more money. Ryan was very good at giving exiting speeches for people leaving the firm. I vividly remember the last one he gave. Everyone was so agreeable with the appreciation he gave toward his “soon to be leaving co-worker”. Ryan was a man of great words! He made you feel you were part of a family and would be greatly missed.

Ryan had a very big heart. When someone needed a hand, Ryan was there to lend the help. I had asked him a few times to either drive me to the airport or give me a lift when it came time to picking up my vehicle at the auto shop. Every time he played it off saying that it was no big deal and would be glad to help you out. His marked words were “when and what time”. Another time he let me borrow his sacred Jonny Cash CD collection This guy did what he could to help his co-workers and friends out from painting, to moving, to sanding a boat , and sitting other peoples houses and dogs. Ryan did this all without looking for anything in return but your friendship.

Being a good listener was another thing Ryan did well. I had many lunch outing with him. I felt at ease when talking with Ryan. I could say just about anything (the good and the bad) and he would understand. We would talk about work, friends, girls, careers, and what our plans for the weekend were and how the last one ended.

Ryan loved his annual camping trip to the north woods with his possy of friends enjoying the ride down the river. He loved the extravaganza to Ireland with his Mom. He thought it was so cool while sitting at a bar in Ireland and seeing the “I Closed Wolski’s” sticker behind the bar. He was very proud of his Irish roots. But the thing I believe he loved most was enjoying the company of good friends. I will truly miss you my friend. His memories will be with me forever. Thank you Ryan for being my friend.

Jason Jaworski

from ryans mom

I want to take a minute to thank everyone for the postings, pictures and memories. Our family and me in particular were so comforted by the memorial in Milwaukee and by reading the messages in the blog and seeing the pictures that are posted.Please continue sharing. It helps us to know him more fully and in the future will expand the picture of the whole man for his beloved nephews.

Ryan was such a gentle self-effacing man.I was always in awe of him from the time he was born he had a special spirit. He truly was " an enigma wrapped in flannel". Whenever I held him for a long wonderful hug at the end of our visits. I could almost feel him slipping away from me like a beautiful old Viking ship. I could see the loose coiled rope untethered at the dock just unroll and pull away to the open water. So I would hug harder but then you crush and drag down the one you love...such a dilemna.You love them and they love you but the sailor loves and needs
the sea more and I always wanted him to be happy .
The pictures of him on the boat were so very comforting, The idea that the King serves his men well is so fitting. Please excuse the typos and grammar. Many Thanks. Anne at

Monday, April 24, 2006

In Search of Healing What Pain I Can

Everyone was so amazing on Saturday in Milwaukee. I don't know if Rhino would have gone if he had known how much we still need him. After all I truly believe that is what he stayed so long for. I still don't know how to start again. Many of you have been so fortunate to know life before Ryan I however find myself in a different situation. There was not a breathe I took without Ryan taking one with me he of course being 7 years my major. Life is now starting a new for me, I go into a world in 22 years I have never known, life without Rhino, something I unlike many have never known. So I ask now for two things from all. LIke tools a carpenter may use to build a new house I build a new life and am in need of tools. If anyone knows where that damn plaid hat is notify the authorities and return to me lol. Secondly, any video anyone might have good bad ugly amzing oscar winning or scraproom floor, all I ask is a copy or the original and ofcourse I will get it back to you quickly and safely. I can be emailed at for all my info and contact info. I go now to lay this foundation of a world just beginning for me and whoms door has a threshhold almost to big to glance over.

Adam Klesh '02


Hello friends of Ryan,

I want to thank you all for coming to Ryan’s memorial celebration on Saturday, April 22nd. I’m sure everyone there had a good time telling tales of Ryno. Had I not been the constant procrastinator, I may have written a speech that went something like this:

It’s best to start things at the beginning. Ryan and I are both from Cleveland, OH. However, we did not meet until 1996, when mutual friends Steve Udycz and Brian Lang came to visit me in Milwaukee the summer before my junior year at Marquette. Steve said that he also wanted to catch up with an old high school friend named Ryan. So we went over to Ryan’s apartment and had a couple of beers. I didn’t see Ryan again until later that summer at a Phish concert at Alpine Valley. Out of a kaleidoscopic sea of Volkswagen Microbuses and bong smoke, Ryan emerged at our tailgate party dazed, confused and in definite need of some adult refreshment. I gave him a couple beers, we chatted awhile and, as they say, the rest is history. All in all, Ryan was many things to me over the 10 years that I knew him: a classmate in several history classes, co-worker at Legal Action, roommate for six years, teammate on the Mutts softball team, drinking buddy and probably the closest thing to a brother that I’ll ever have.

Much has been said about Ryan’s generosity. He was an extremely generous person, almost (but not quite) to a fault. He would loan me money and give me months to pay him back, he bought his friends many a round of shots on a secretary’s salary, and he would shrug off killer hangovers to help anyone move some furniture (despite having a slipped disc in his back.) It has been said that you can judge a person by how he treats those who serve him/her. Ryan was, of course, an over-tipper who always treated those under him with respect. While going through old video of Ryan in preparation for the Memorial, I watched Ryan tip a cabbie $8 for driving us four blocks on a Wolski’s St. Patty’s Day Pub Crawl. “The King serves his men well.”

Then, of course, there was The Playhouse. Many of you were lucky enough to get tickets to this three and a half year long carnival of shenanigans. I, however, had a back stage pass. Many a good time was had and Ryan was often at top form in his home environment. Of course, the occasional load-bearing wall or garbage-picked couch took the brunt of the excessiveness that characterized this period of Ryan’s life. But hey, that’s what insurance was created for. Ryan was known as an entertaining fellow throughout the entire spectrum of sobriety through total inebriation. His humor was sometimes self-depreciating, and never PG rated. Whether he was stone cold sober or “seeing angels” (that’s how he referred to a black-out) he could put a smile on anyone’s face. The world is definitely a less amusing place without him.

His death was untimely, but perhaps it can be said that he spread generosity, happiness and joy to so many people, that he forgot to leave some for himself. His act can be viewed as extremely selfish, but for a man as generous as he was, he should be forgiven for thinking only of himself this one time.



Thanks for the great party, Ryan. We will miss you.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Ryan effected me deeply and whole-heartedly.

Adam (Ryan's brother) is my best friend in the world. We are both from Cleveland and live in New York now (even though we never knew each other in Ohio). Last summer, Adam and I both had to come home to Cleveland to go to weddings. One night, around midnight or so, I called Adam and asked him what he was up to. He told me he was at the Winking Lizard in Lakewood with his brother and sister. He wanted me to come by and meet them finally. I had heard so much about Ryan and Allison from Adam and I was excited to meet them. When I got there, I met the two of them. I sat down next to Ryan after shaking his hand and said, " you and Adam look so much alike!" He responded with the prize-winning remark of, "yeah, it's crazy how when you have the same parents, if they have a couple of kids, they tend to look the same...something called genetics or something, I'm not sure..." And when he looked at me a laughed so hard, because I knew that in the same way that I was so instantly close to Adam when we met, that I was going to feel comfortable with Ryan as well. We ended up at a friends' house, talking untill the sun was coming up. We laughed about sports, politics, cartoons, the McDonalds characters (Mayor McCrack, The Snuff Burgalur...). I remember the birds starting to chirp and thinking, "wow, I havn't laughed this much or had such intelligent conversations in a really long time." I offered him a place to sleep for the night, instead of having to take a taxi back to his hotel. When I had come back from finding him a blanket, he was fumbling with the VCR. He was trying to get it to work so that he could watch either The Care Bears Movie or Alice In Wonderland, he couldn't decide which! He asked if I would watch it with him, and we decided on Alice In Wonderland. We proceded to have a conversation about how the Walrus and The Carpenter are such obvious metophores for Buddah (and eastern religion in general,) and Jesus Christ (and western religions.) I remember him as one of the smartest people I'd ever had thet pleasure of spending time with. I remember him as one of the funniest people I'd ever had the opportunity of spending time with. I've not had a day go by when I didn't think of Ryan since that time I spent with him. It may have been a fraction of the time most people had, but, it will never leave me. Ryan Klesh effected me. Ryan effected me deeply and whole-heartedly. I can't deny that. After I spent a long, sad night with Adam after we learned what happened, I decided I had to do something in his honor. On Monday, April 17th, just a few days after his death, I tatooed my wrist for him. It's something that he and I shared that night, that day, all of those e-mails between us over that last year. and I have it there, forever on my skin as a reminder that there are amazing people in the world. People who can lift and illicit feelings that even the hardest of hearts can't push aside. I waited, biting my nails for the day that I could see Ryan again, to come to New York, finally, and see the city and his little brother, and maybe share a little bit more time. Instead I'll have to wait much longer to see him again, and when I do, I hope he'll be there, open arms, that full smile, with that little gap in between his two front teeth. And I hope he'll greet me by saying, "it was the carpenter, wasn't it?"

Friday, April 21, 2006

What Is To Be Done?

I just wish he would have talked to some of us about this. He was open and honest with all of us, but he kept a dreadful secret. He was smart enough to know that we would do anything in our power to help him or stop him, and so he knew that he couldn't tell any of us the truth. I know it's boring to think we could have done something about it, but I just wish I could have done something about it.

I know that he's gone, and that I will never again have the pleasure of his physical company. Nothing we do or say will bring him back, or make any of us feel any better about accepting life without him. I just don't know how to be okay with that. I took him for granted while he was here, and now that he's gone there's nothing I can do to bring him back. How is this supposed to be okay?

I'm not upset with him, and I know by now that his wide circle of friends all contributed everything possible to make Ryan happy and make his life a better place. Fun was provided in droves, and I just wish I could have been there more ofen when it happened. But I can't do anything about that anymore, and I didn't do anything about that when he was around.

What is to be done? We will honor him and remember him tomorrow, but then the next day will come and he will still be gone. Could somebody tell me how to be accepting of that? Somebody please tell me how to feel okay about the opportunities lost, and the experiences missed. I wish I could have been a better friend. I wish I could have been with him in good times and in bad. I wish I could have been into his business, and truly connected to his imaginings about life and its updsides and downsides. I wish I could have done something.

Everyone is amazing in their own way, but I'm saddened that someone so uniquely irreplaceable is gone. The people on the street or in our offices are a very pale echo of Ryan Klesh. They can provide no replacement. And that is my lone inconsolable unhappiness about what has been done. There is no replacement for what we have lost.

I want him to be there when I call or send an email. I want to be able to call on him when I need someone to make something happen. I want him to be really there when I see someone on the street that looks like him. I want to be able to make some sense out of the oh-so-rightness of his presence and the gaping-hole-in-the-world of his absence.

But there is nothing to be done. I'm thrilled to have been his friend, but there is nothing good about him being gone.

Missing You

Ryan my friend we'll miss you. I'll miss our talks about life, history, music, and South Park. I'll miss the stories you used to tell me about Allison, Dave, and Keith growing up. You could always make me laugh. "If you guys don't quiet down I'm gonna bust some skulls.....two three four!"
I'll miss all the song/band recommendations you gave me over the years. You were right The Killers are a great band and I do love them.
My heart aches for your family. We're all better for having known you. You'll be missed dear friend. See you at the bar. I know it'll be easy to spot you there cause you'll be the one wearing your tie around your head. Love Lisa

Remembering Ryan Klesh

I've been trying to write this for the past week or so...through the feelings of sadness, and sorting through the memories...remembering some so well that it hurts to smile.

My Memories of Ryan...

The fondest memories of Ryan come from a summer back in 1997 when we were both working as grounds staff for the City of Lakewood at Lakewood Park. On the first day, my supervisor had mentioned that another person was scheduled to come on board to help out with the work. He had also mentioned that I may know this person, which came as a surprise to me. Within a few days, I saw Ryan jump out of a 1980's Chevy Malibu and scream my last name at the top of his lungs...."YOOOUUDITCH!!" This brought a warm smaile to my face, which turned our handshake into a hug. Even though we hadn't seen each other since High School, it was almost as if a bond that had been remiss was immediately recreated.

The summer was an endless conversation about life. In-between card games and cigarettes, we found time to catch up on what had been happening in each others' lives since High School. Between friends, acquaintances, and girfriends, life picked up right where it left off when we last spoke. I remember that day in April of 1995 clearly. He hadn't been in class for over a month, and I was starting to wonder. The day that he showed was like any other...with one exception...he wore scars. When I asked about them, he stated that he went through thyroid surgery, which I took as truth. I only found out in the summer of 97 what really happened. I have to say that it all came as a shock to me. He was always such a happy bloke, willing to listen and have fun through all the tough times.

The conversation that summer flowed easily: remembrances of seeing each other in Marquette taking scholarship tests, shades of grade school with Mr. Mosier berating Shane McAndrews ("Shane, that's one...), his little brother Adam, and Classes at St. Ignatius. It seemed like we had known each other for so long, but knew so little about each other. We made up for it over those memorable three months. Partying until the sun came up, playing cards under the shade of oak trees, and falling asleep in the Women's pavilion under the instruction of Jim Pedachi. I will never forget a conversation that we had about women, and his problems with them. He always had a thing for redheads, which he quoted as one of his biggest downfalls. He had been seeing a girl around that time...and everytime I saw them together, he was so gentlemanly, which struck me as heroic and respectful. I learned a lot about him that summer, and about myself.

I'd like to jump to a couple of years ago...when Brian Goulden, Ed, Brian Lang and myself went out partying on Ed's boat. The three guys were living in the basement of an apartment building. Ryan had moved in and was dating a girl by the name of Becky. I ended up saying with them for about 4 days, partying, laughing and having fun. This was the weekend when I saw evidence of Ryan's TERRIBLE taste in food (see his breakfast of steak and eggs covered in half a bottle of ketchup and A-1 sauce) and his plan for the age of 30. It was also the weekend where Ryan just could not stop singing that song "Brandy (You're A Fine Girl)"(As recorded by Looking Glass). I'll never forget him standing up in the middle of the "Safehouse" singing it at the top of his lungs, inserting his own lyrics.

Ryan leaves me with nothing by happy memories. I love him, and miss him with the same fervor.

Stephen Udycz

Looked through my e-mails

some of the best...WARNING: IMMATURE CONTENT!

re: the cancellation of the Wolski's Pub Crawl:

I can't concentrate. This isn't happening, right? We have to come up
with an alternative plan. Can we not just recreate the pub crawl if we
get to Wolski's early enough. Maybe we can through flamin' bags at the
door of city hall. Until then, I remain faithfully in denial.

re: Jeff & Holly's wedding in Colorado:

Hey OHHHHH!!!! Brian just got photos from your wedding. They are awesome. There is one of Ben, Brian and myself. But where the hell is Ed? Possible debauchery with T-Sak and Danny? I don't know.

We want more photos from that magical experience. Mark, I know you took a whole roll's worth. Jeff and Holly, I'm sure you have a ton. Wasn't there one of all of us with our pants down. That's gotta be framed with the inscription: "The Milwaukee Wrecking Crew".

Let me know if you can get any more to us. Oh sweet memories. Just like whispering sweet nuthin's into the ear of an angel!


Outside are the prisoners, Inside the free. Set them free. Yep, Silver and Gold

re: Steinfest 2005:

I told you I should not be the one planning this event. My roommate Ed
is going out of town this weekend. Although I reminded him more than a
couple of times about the day of Stein, he somehow forgot. Therefore,
McKinley Marina is a no go.

Todd and Deedee, should anyone who can make it on Sunday meet at your
place then? Sorry Stein, direct all your anger to:

Let's face it though, you're really only coming to town to get us drunk
and watch us make fools of ourselves while you tapdance above us
smearing a grin across your face, you puppet master! Does it really
matter where the debauchery take place?


re: Finding out about Stephanie from "Full House" meth problem and subsequent Full House Cast Intervention that saved her life:

-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan Klesh []
Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2006 4:31 PM
Subject: RE: another childhood actress goes bad
Nice. Or standing above Skippy (from family ties) and
pissin' all over his rock hard abs. Did I go to far? Jesus, Bateman!

02/02/06 04:21PM >>>
She had meth-addict written all over her...she problably
Puts cigarettes out on her face for money.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan Klesh []
Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2006 4:18 PM
> Subject: RE: another childhood actress goes bad
> DJ's married to a NHL pro and raising a family. She
ain't got no time for that shit. My question: "Where the hell is Kimmy
Gibbler in all this mularchy?" She was my first choice upon spotting the
Words Meth and Addiction.

02/02/06 04:05PM >>>
my question come DJ and Joey Gladstone didnt make
it to her intervention? the olson twins, stamos and sagget made it, and they
all still find work.

re: just another Friday night in Milwaukee:

>>> 02/10/06 11:15AM >>>
Any plans for this evening?

a wine tasting or an international film festival, perhaps?

from: ryan klesh

indoor beer tasting. Possible wing ding eating competition.

I wish i had saved a lot more of our email conversations, but this was the best I could do (to quote John Cougar Mellencamp)


When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.

Forever in LOVE

forever I am in love. I will be with Ryan Patrick Klesh. He talked alot about his family. My heart and love, respect for your son, brother, uncle, grandson, newphew, family member goes out to you all. I was deeply, deeply in love with him. He never knew it until now. Ironic, very ironic. I will never forget the last words taht were spoken to me from him nor will I ever forget his memory and the memories we had had together. The words have not been there for me but I do know he's with us all and I do deeply believe he's where's he is needed at this moment in all of our lives. I loved him from ever fiber of my being and I will always have a place in my heart for him. He was truely amazing, beautiful, rich in every aspect, there will not ever be words for what he stood for. We all knew it, and I still am crying. I know he's hearing me cry. I have dreamt of him since I found out. He IS okay. He really IS. He could never stop talking about his family. Just know, (Ryan's family), that he IS okay, hes at peace, and he's watching over you, and all of the people that cared for him.

My tears will eventually pass, but for now, they will continue to flow into the exsiting streams that already exist in my life. He will never be dead to me. He will always be my love, my friend, and my life. I will always try to live in his example. I believe it just got to hard for him, he felt like he felt like he was the MARTYR. We'll he was the epidemy of a human being. And for that I AM TRULY GREATFUL!! I know he's alright, he's at peace, he's where he needed to be. And because of that I can move on, cuz that's what he would want all of us to do, get on with our lives, get on with our selves. He wouldn't want to grieve, feel sorry for, or pity what had happen. He wants us all to live, to enjoy life, and to be what we tryly need to be and to accomplish what needs to be accomplished for ourselves.

Let Ryan Patrick Klesh live in our hearts and our souls until we are taken by the almighty. Let this be a lesson, for some to never have regret, for others, to just live life and to others to never look away from the best thing that walked into our lives. LET Ryan be in your hearts, your souls, your lives until you pass. Remeber all the good he stood for, everything he meant to you, and the most phenominal man he was. HE was a true MARTYR, felt what martyr's felt, lived as a man of wisdom, and cherished life for others. Always there when you needed him, and always there when you pushed him away. No matter what he WAS there. From beginning to end, no matter what, always that smile, those eyes, and that ungreatfulness. I suppose that was the Irish in him, that was the beauty about the man that will always be remember, no matter how long you knew him, he was truely a MARTYR. and for that I am FOEVER IN LOVE.

The last words he ever said to me (which was 2 days before he passed) (I asked him what he was doing for the day he repleyed) " I'm going to go and think about life" Let us all think about life, about what others need and what we need. That's what Ryan would want us to do, think about others before ourselves, put everyone else before ourselves, cuz that was the man he was. That was what he stood for. And he will rise again, oh yes he will rise again my friends.

Un till we meet again, and I know you are with us all, I FEEL IT. May peace be with your family, and you finally find your freedom. I love you.

Forever in LOVE with Ryan Patrick Klesh,
you know who I am, you were the one and you will be my strength when I am weak and vulnerable. You are and always will be my happiness. Thank you for your blessings and what you have shown me, what you have given to me and who you are.

I WILL NEVER FORGET. You will ALWAYS be with me and in my heart. You were the one. YOU ARE THE ONE. and I thank you for that. Truely deeply thank you.

Forever in LOVE

Thursday, April 20, 2006

I wish I had other pictures of Ryan. This is the best that I could do - that's him, third from the right, back row. And that's us, the now infamous Four Square Rejects kickball team. I have so many wonderful memories of Ryan: running in the spot singing "Taking it to the Streets;" the screams of joy when he passed the typing test at Legal Action and graduated from temp to full time staff; and video of him tossing a frozen turkey around his house. My favorite memory is of when he and several generous friends helped me move out of an ex's house. After we loaded up the last of my things and climbed into the trucks and cars, he turned to me and said, "i pee'ed in her toilet, left the seat up, and didn't flush." It seems silly to use this story to try to illustrate the character of Ryan, but it works for me. He was an extremely loyal friend, who felt the depth of your pain with you. I wish I could have done the same for him. Wherever he is, I hope he found peace, and a better kickball team.

Coach T-Dawg Davis.

Speaking of Ryan and Bon Jovi...

When we found out that Bon Jovi was playing in Milwaukee, an e-mail went out about seeing them in concert again...

>>> Tracy Davis 03/25/05 08:22AM >>>
Ryan was woefully neglected from the original e-mail. I thought he
should be added since he is one of the original Bon Jovi Alpine Valley

>>> Ryan Klesh 03/25/05 08:27AM >>>
Thanks Tracy. The union's been on strike here and I'm down on my luck.
It's Tough... So Tough. BUT I'M IN!!!
I got my six string in hock! And I'm gonna make it tough.
Yeah, so tough!

Mayor McCheese's best friend

I was coming to town and a group of us were trying to coordinate meeting up at Hooligan's. Here was Ryan's classic response:

Quite honestly, I was planning on meeting myself at the North Ave.
McDonald's this Saturday for a quaint, quiet lunch. That way I could
gather my thoughts for the upcoming week of adventure at Legal Action
and maybe discuss public policy with Mayor McCheese. I guess I can
rearrange my schedule. Focccccckkkkkk!

My Heart Breaks For You

To Ryan and all those who love him:
There aren't words to express how my heart breaks that I will never hear your voice, kiss your cheek, and never again wrap my arms around you and feel your heart beat next to mine! I am truly happy and priveleged to have had the chance to know you and love you the way I did. I have your shirt and its on my pillow every night to catch my tears, I will keep it forever just as I keep you in my heart, and mind, and I know you are with me. I wish things could have been different, but you taught me a very important lesson. I made a mistake that I would give anything to change, and I will never make again. I am so sorry for that and I hope you have forgiven me. I wish you would have sought me out to comfort you. I would give anything to have you back. So many memories in such a short period of time. Ryan, I loved you then, and always will.

your irish girl


My Brother

My brother for the first time in a long time is smiling for himself and himself alone. For those who knew him we know Ryan spent alot of time smiling for those weaker of heart. He now walks on clouds, speaks with angels, sits at that eternal pub in the sky, and really knows if Yoko broke up the beatles.
"I'll see ya at the front door rhino.....YOU, YOU, YOU!!!"

Your lil' bro,
Adam Klesh

Ryan's famous words

“I am here to serve, brother! Let me know when and i'll be there.”


Ryan and Ebert on Bon Jovi

They played at the Bradley Center this past Saturday. It was as retarded as the Alpine Valley show. Then, before you know it, you're singing along to "Runaway". Oh Yeah! I was blaring out: "Robin's in the backyard and that dirt is gonna pay!" I've had enough Bon Jovi Live experience to last me three lifetimes. You would have liked it.

Ryan's Advice on Women

I've learned just to have fun and
not get tied up into anything serious (emotionally speaking) until the
girl wants to. That only took 28 years or so to figure out

I guess I just miss my friend

Thanks to Nolan Gallagher for the right-on-target movie quotation.

Please Let Us Know What You Are Bringing To The Celebrate Ryan Wake

Please use the comments section at the bottom of this post to let everyone know if you are bringing a particular food for the potluck at the Celebrate Ryan Wake this saturday at the Falcon Bowl. Bringing something is not a requirement, but please let us know so we can avoid duplication. Thank you.

Tales were made this night but others will have to tell them....

Out of the Darkness Overnight

Out of the Darkness Overnight:
Heal. Help. Hope.

The Out of the Darkness Overnight is a 20-mile journey through the night, from dusk until dawn. It's a unique opportunity to help shed light on suicide, its impact and its prevention. We're bringing together friends, family members and loved ones whose lives have been touched by suicide or depression, and giving them a way to turn their heartbreak into hope for tomorrow.

In 2006, The Overnight will take place in San Francisco on July 22-23, and in Chicago on August 12-13.

Each walker agrees to raise at least $1,000. Net proceeds will benefit the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, to fund research, education, survivor and awareness programs - both to prevent suicide and to assist those affected by suicide.

The road to healing begins here. Register today online or call 888-NIGHT-05 (888-644-4805). For more information about the event, come to an orientation.

From A Celebration of the Life of Ryan Patrick Klesh


Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Ryan.... we all know that words CANNOT and WILL never describe what a truely beautiful soul he really was. The first time I laid eyes on him, I truely fell in love with him. (but didn't everyone who knew him?) He was one of the most amazing people I have ever meet. One time, after Rascal's we all ended up at Aaron's or Mehra's but before that we all stopped at the OP I was complaining that I wanted some chocolate. So Ryan, being the man he was, went in and came out with seriously everything that was chocolate. I never laughed so hard when he handed me the bag. It was so sweet and unselfish, just like him.

I was truely blessed to spend his recent birthday with him. Always full of smiles and stories. It was good to see him since it had been a little while. It was a night, day, and night that I WILL NEVER forget. The things we talked about, the songs he was singing, the drinks, the shots, and just the time we spent together. But most of all about that weekend, he came over to my apartment and was in awe of one of my John Lennon posters. He stood in front of it, drinking a glass of water, just starring. I could tell he was in deep thought at that moment, a moment I will always remember every time I look at that poster.

I am truly blessed to have known him and have had him in my life. His aura was so magical and visible to us all. When Aaron text me about Ryan, I did not believe him. My heart broke and the tears flowed. I was in complete shock. Sadden that he thought it was the only way. I will nevery understand until I see him once again. I will always remember the times we shared together, the moments we had together and those gorgeous blue eyes and his unbelieveable smile.

I loved you from the moment I meet you until the moment I take my final breathe. I am glad you were who you were. I hope you finally found your peace, and Ryan, you are not in hell. Thank you for the memories. I will cherish them forever. I luv you forever and a day.


But then again, do you ever think that fate is present in everything we do.

I just discovered some old email exchanges I had with our friend Ryan. Being the nice guy that he is, he agreed to help me move some of my extremely large antique furniture and junk out of storage in Beloit and up to Milwaukee last fall. Halfway through the day of heavy-lifting he threw out his back, and was unable to continue moving anything. He felt so bad that he could no longer help, and I felt so bad that I'd hurt his back. Ryan couldn't stop apologising, but he stayed his happy and helpful self as we slogged through the rest of the trip. We ate lunch at a bar and had a general great time despite his serious back issue.

He would do anything for his friends, and there was never any question about it.

I found his email comments after our adventure interesting, and thought the rest of you might like to read his words.


Ryan's Preferred Marquette Nickname (from old email files)

From: Ryan Klesh []
Sent: Thu 5/12/2005 3:07 PM
To: Todd Rongstad
Subject: Re: FW:

Hey check out this submission for the new Marquette nickname.

Good Bye My Friend

Good Bye My Friend!

My world shattered the day you left us. But the memories, oh, the memories.

I remember how you would laugh out your words. When we talked about my "Polish Chop Suey" - and how weird it sounded but you loved it. (I won't ever make it without thinking of you!!). The day the office closed at 3 because of a snowstorm and how happy you were. You couldn't believe it. I suggested drinks at Calderone and you and Nicole thought that was a fine idea. The three of us had a blast.

It was a privilege having you in our lives and you helped make us better people. I liked what Jim said. "Elvis has left the building." I wish you peace, love and joy as you travel in your new world without pain.

Sharon Fitzpatrick


Hello everyone. Thank you for all your heartfelt contributions to the site. I'm looking for everyone to scour their files to look for more Ryan pictures to add to the site. I want to see more of him, and pictures are one of the only remaining ways to make that happen. If anyone needs me to scan and post photographs, I would be glad to do that and, of course, get your pictures back to you safe and sound. Or, if you have a jpg or pdf file that you would like me to post for you, I can do that as well. Thanks and best to you all.
5018 N. Hollywood Avenue
Whitefish Bay, WI 53217

You are truly missed

I did not know Ryan as long as most of you. However, it was long enough. I feel blessed having had him in my life. It is true what everyone says about him. The minute you met Ryan you knew you had a friend for life. That crazy, outgoing personality that had such a touch of warmth was what drew so many to him. I was lucky to have been able to spend this past St. Patty’s day with the one who loved his Irish blood and had an even more impressive love for his friend, Jameson. I will also never forget our drunken nights singing songs from RENT or watching how excited he would get when we went to listen to Salvage play. Thank you for all the laughs you gave me and for the times you made me smile when I was down. You will forever be in my heart.
We miss you.


Remembering Ryan Klesh

Remembering Ryan Klesh

The Boys are Back in Town

Whenever I hear that famous Thin Lizzy Song, I will always think of Ryan Klesh. There were so many great stories told as we mourned our friend over the last few days. Everyone had their own personal account that they have treasured through the years. For me, it will always be how Ryan Klesh was a music connoisseur. He had a true appreciation for lyrics. He dove into them and soaked up every word of every song. How fitting that at the wake Ryan's favorite songs were being played.There are those who listen to music....and then there is Ryan Klesh. I recall in the summer of 1993, when we were all just starting to drive, listenening to Down on the Corner by CCR. We rewound that song countless times because Ryan was trying to decipher what the hell John Fogarty was saying. He was laughing at the Cajun twang and how for the life of him he couldn't figure out what he were saying! Music truly took Ryan places he had never been. It was what made him Ryan. I wish that after high school I kept in better touch with Ryan. I have had a heavy heart these past few days thinking about how we lost touch. I went from seeing him often to seeing him occasionally, to hardly seeing him at all. I was blessed to recently catch up with him at a wedding, what a gift from God that was for me. Ryan-the boys were back in town again on monday and tuesday, we were hanging out at Pacers because I don't think there is a Dino's in Lakewood-and, it will never be the same without you. But I have come to this, like music you will never be gone. As long as there is music, there you will be.

Tommy Fox

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

A Cleveland Original

“You're 5 foot nothin', 100 and nothin', and you have nearly a speck of athletic ability.”

Any fan of the movie Rudy surely recognizes those famous words, and back in the day if you happened to see a lanky Ryan Klesh striding across Lakewood Park in some ridiculous orange and blue outfit (in tribute to John Elway… Browns country no less!) you might have worried for his safety. Yet, though he carried fifty pounds less than most of us, Ryan was often the first person picked in our football games.

His foot speed was common for his size, but the quickness of his never ending jokes, taunts, and laughs were uniquely Ryan’s. But, what I remember most about Ryan on those wonderful afternoons was his tremendous heart. Equal parts Hanford Dixon and Clay Matthews, Big Daddy Ryan Klesh tackled everyone in sight without an ounce of fear. And he did it in style too, popping up from every pile with a smile as wide as Lake Eire itself.

From reading all these posts, it surprises me not that Ryan had that same infectious effect later on in life. He had abilities on many of life’s fields and he is certainly deserving of a more fitting movie quote:

“I have to remind myself that some birds aren't meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright. And when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up DOES rejoice. Still, the place you live in is that much more drab and empty that they're gone. I guess I just miss my friend.” -Shawshank Redemption

Nolan Gallagher

From Shahanna

There are so many things that I appreciated about Ryan. The first time I met him, I could tell how much he cared, how wholly he loved, how deeply he felt. I was really excited when I overheard (okay, DIPPED INTO) his conversation with Bill, telling him that he approved of our decision to get married. Ryan was so dear. I'd like to think with all of you about how we can create a sustainable tribute to his memory. Please email me through Shahanna

Love, William Baldon IV (Baby Yosef)

My Memories of Ryan

I remember the first time I met Ryan, it was the coldest night of the past winter, we’re talking negative something with god only knows how cold of a wind chill. I had wandered down to Thurman’s solo and the bar was unusually quiet (which judging by the weather was probably to be expected). Ryan and a few of his friends walked in together and procured the barstools next to mine, I don’t remember what caused him and I to start a conversation but we ended up talking half the night and then dragging poor Mike with us to Ma Fischer’s when the bar closed. Ryan laughed at all the layers I was wearing and laughed even harder when I slipped on the ice running to his car and fell flat on my ass. We hung out all night at my house and he had trouble leaving in the morning to go take care of somebody’s dogs because he parked his car on an ice bank. The last time I saw him was once again at Thurman’s though one of the people he was with didn’t want to be there so I joined Ryan and his friends in going to the garage (only after I got him to swing dance to The Talking Heads in the middle of Thurman’s).

I am going to miss him even though I never got the chance to know him as well as I wanted to, he was by far one of the nicest and sweetest people I have ever met in my life and also one of the most fun, I mean how many people do you meet in life that will share their I-pod and dance and sing along with you to it when you’re in a club and you don’t like the music that’s playing there?

-Liz (aka the Thurmans chick)

Monday, April 17, 2006

Remembering Ryan Klesh

Remembering Ryan Klesh

Someone once said: "Ryan is an enigma wrapped in flannel." That was true to an extent, but he was also an open book. A truly genuine person. My years living in Milwaukee will always be intertwined with my memories of Ryan and his Playhouse. I will not forget the red beard you grew that winter, your streak of 13 straight days of eating Panda Express, your hobo-skillets, the time you went with me to see the Counting Crows play over Thanksgiving break when nobody else would, the time you dove from Ed's boat into the shit filled waters of Lake Michigan and your amazing recall of Seinfeld quotes. I could go on, but let me end this posting by sharing some wisdom Ryan once shared with me. One time I jokingly told Ryan I was contemplating making the switch from beer to hard liquor. Putting his arm around me and shaking his head, he said: "you don't want to go down that road my friend, you'll wake up with strange creatures in your bed." I miss you Ryan. You bummed me out.

Jason Stein

i'm rick james bitch!!!

i've always thought that there was one special breed out there and they fall into the catagory of "if you don't like them there is something wrong with you" well Klesh you are definatley in this group. Thank you for giving me confort for my problems and i'm sorry that i was so self absorbed that i did not see the severity of your pain. Even in this tragic turn of events you have given me the lesson of not taking the good people around me for granted. thank you. I will see you at the great big whiskey bar in the sky where i will kick your ass for this (and i know you will let me even though you could probably take me) Thank you for being passionate about my music and thank you for covering my ass at work on the many times this past year when i was on thin ice. My Rondena that you like will forever be dedicated to you. well i hope the energy of this group effort to lament and cherish you gets to you wherever you are and help us to not to regret this more than we can learn to appreciate are loved ones.
right my friend, i love you.

Remembering Ryan Klesh

Coworker and Friend

Ryan was never one to miss a coworker's farewell lunch -- if they were from the 7th floor or 8th floor, here for 6 years or 6 months. That's the type of guy he was. Whether you just met him or knew him for years, you liked him. His infectious laugh and sense of humour, his generosity, kindness and his willingness to break into song at a moment's notice. You couldn't help but leave a conversation with him and think how lucky you were to know him.

Upon my notifying a friend of Ryan's passing, he said: "I met him at the Nomad, on your 28th birthday if I'm not mistaken. Ryan and I shared a reverence for Jameson. I remember I liked him instantly. Actually I was a little nervous that day and talking to him about Jameson's put me at ease and I ended up having a good time. I thought he was a good guy"

I'm lucky to have known you. Hope you found peace Ryan. You will be missed.


Ryan the Romantic - Dec 2003

Ryan was one of seven hardy souls who braved a 10 degree, wind chill of minus something, night in December 2003 to join in my wedding ceremony at Red Arrow Park. I remember so clearly that actually, Ryan led the march that night from the Legal Action offices over to the park, carrying the champagne - although he was on the wagon, and huddling in while Mary T read the vows and we repeated them. In fact, earlier that day, something had come up with Mary (I think her daughter was sick with a fever) and Ryan had stepped up to the plate and volunteered to get ordained online if for some reason Mary wasnt able to make it that night. I know without a doubt he would have done a great and memorable ceremony...

He had a romantic soul. There is an emptyness and a void that his absence brings now, that is the reflection of the fullness and joy that he brought us when he was here...

(BTW, the picture looks like me and Ginger getting married, actually Paul's nose of off to the far left...)

Carol W.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Please Join Us For Ryan's Milwaukee Wake

Please join us for Ryan's Wake. It will be held at the Falcon Bowl on
Saturday, April 22nd @ 3 p.m. Bring a dish to pass, have a glass of Jameson, toast Ryan, and share your good memories.

The Falcon Bowl is located at 801 E. Clarke in Milwaukee.

We chose the Falcon Bowl because Ryan liked this place, because it represents a lot about Milwaukee and that which Ryan liked about Milwaukee (although he would be loath to admit that he liked Milwaukee), and because Ryan's friends like it.

Below, from, is a description of the Falcon Bowl:

Falcon Bowl bar buzzes with year-round activity
By Molly Snyder Edler

John Okopinski wanted to renovate his Riverwest bar and bowling alley, the Polish Falcon's Nest 725 (aka "The Falcon Bowl"), but his patrons were adamantly against the idea.

"They told me to keep it (the same). That it was 'retro.' I had never heard that word before in my life," says Okopinski, 59, who has run the Nest since 1982 and lives above it with his wife, Lynn.

Hence, aestetically speaking, time stands still at 801 E. Clarke St., complete with two old school bars, wood-and-linoleum-floored "party room" where the Polish Falcons still meet every month and a six-lane bowling alley in the basement that, according to Okopinski, is the fourth oldest in the country, built between 1899 and 1901.

But many Falcon customers do not usually stand -- or sit -- still for long.

For most of the year, activities take place every night of the week. Cribbage on Monday nights; Wednesdays is dart ball -- a once-popular game where players throw darts at a 4x4-foot board embossed with a baseball diamond -- and bowling leagues swarm the scene every other night of the week, with "open bowling" on Wednesday evenings from 6 to 11 p.m.

Summer in the Nest is different. A little quieter, perhaps. Due to lack of air conditioning in the basement, Okopinski closes the bowling alley and suspends dart ball and cribbage leagues until Labor Day. Instead, he spends time behind the bar, watching baseball and catching up with his softball-playing pals who stop in after games.

"I have met such a variety of people here. So many customers who have become good friends," says Okopinski, a Milwaukee native who taught gymnastics for the Polish Falcons before running the bar.

The Polish Falcons of America is a not-for-profit fraternal benefit society and insurance company owned by insuranced members. Members belong to local "nests" where they hold monthly meetings and participate in social, civic and athletic activities.

The Polish Falcon's Nest, the only one left in Wisconsin, provides space for wedding receptions, anniversary parties, theater and dance performances and benefits for score of local groups.

Tap beer, shots and tavern pizzas are the usual fare, but mixed drinks and micro beers are also on the menu. "And we sell anything in a bag, you know, chips or whatever," he says.

Recently, Okopinkski, who grew up on the South Side, battled a serious illness. As soon as his health permitted, he got back into the nest where he says little has changed since his surgery.

"The only change, really, is I have to use a lighter bowling ball," he says.

The Falcon Bowl opens every night at 5 p.m.

Ryan Klesh Obituary

Age 29, of Milwaukee, formerly of Lakewood, Ohio. Ryan was a 1995 graduate of St. Ignatius High School and a 1999 graduate of Marquette University. Loving and cherished son of Anne Spellacy and Alan C. Klesh. Beloved brother of Allison Gill (Patrick) and Adam Klesh of New York. Dearest dearest uncle of Alex, Aidan and Tommy. Grandson of Rena and William Spellacy (both deceased) and Norma (deceased) and Norbert Klesh. Nephew, cousin and friend to many. Passed away suddenly Thursday, April 13, 2006, in Milwaukee. Funeral Mass Tuesday April 18, St. Luke Church (Clifton and Bunts Rd, Lakewood) at 9:30 AM. (EVERYONE PLEASE MEET AT CHURCH). Interment Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Geneva, Ohio. Friends may call in the McGORRAY BROS. FUNERAL HOME OF LAKEWOOD, 14133 Detroit Ave. Monday 3 - 8 PM. In lieu of flowers the family suggests memorial contributions to the Ryan P. Klesh Education Fund. Friends and co-workers invite you to join us for a gathering to remember Ryan on Saturday, April 22 at 3:00 PM at the Falcon Bowl in Milwaukee. See for details or E-Mail or